Parish Profile

Trinity is a progressive Episcopal Church where our commitment to the radical gospel of Christ calls us to worship God, welcome the seeker, sustain the faithful, and serve those in need.

To Our Future Rector

We, the Discernment Team, invite and welcome you to learn about us. We ask that you read our information with an open heart and a willing spirit. We conduct this search prayerfully, understanding the sacred trust that has been bestowed upon us. With God's grace, we proceed with humility, perseverance, and a joyful spirit. 

Trinity Episcopal Church is a small but deeply rooted urban parish in the Central West End neighborhood of St. Louis, Missouri. Our parish pursues the radical gospel of Jesus through Anglo-Catholic worship, social justice advocacy, and service to others. Central to that work is creating a sanctuary for belonging and creative expression and sharing food as physical and spiritual nourishment for ourselves and our community. These core values unite our parish.

As we recover from the setbacks of the pandemic and new challenges to those we serve, we seek a rector who can walk in the way of love. Our next rector should have a strong, personal, and prayerful core built upon a well-articulated theology. We hope for a leader who can explain the contexts and meanings of the liturgy as Jesus and His followers would have understood it. Yet we also seek someone who can help us see ourselves in that liturgy, deepening our own spirituality and ability to carry out the word of God.

We seek a rector who is attentive to not only our congregants’ needs but also our neighborhood’s. We will insist upon a leader passionate about diversity and inclusion, one who is generous, kind, humble, and respectful of individual and institutional values, especially our commitment to social and economic justice. We pray for a rector whose speech and actions support the dignity of all. Our rector should be someone who listens to understand, expresses their own ideas, and engages openly in dialogue about difficult questions. We hope to find a rector who, like Trinity itself, can both uphold tradition and propel us forward.